
The MaRDI consortium has a strong core in, and a wide embedding into mathematics and its applications. Through applications it reaches out to many different scientific disciplines. The following members are collaborating in the seven task areas:

Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
MaRDI Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Hintermüller

The WIAS conducts project-oriented research for the solution of complex application driven problems in technology, science and business. The institute thus contributes to solving some of the grand challenges currently faced by our society, such as the optimal and sustainable use of energy or new developments in medical technology. Its core competences are in Applied Analysis and Applied Stochastics, the mathematically consistent modeling of real world phenomena as well as the development and implementation of numerical algorithms and the development of scientific software.

Research Data Representative
Dr. Silvia Polla
+49 30 20372294


FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure (FIZ)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Harald Sack

FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is one of the large information infrastructure institutions in Germany and member of the Leibniz Association. With our activities, we contribute significantly to the information infrastructure: We provide information to researchers in science and industry worldwide. To this end, we develop very large volumes of patent and research information from a wide variety of sources. For precise research and intelligent analysis of these data, we develop and operate innovative information services and e-research solutions, e.g. for research data management and digital preservation.

Research Data Representative
N. N.


Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics Kaiserslautern (ITWM)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel

The ITWM is one of the world's largest mathematical research institutes and our goal is to further develop mathematics as a key technology, give innovative impetus and implement it in practice together with industry partners. Methodologically, our research areas are based on modeling, simulation and optimization. Integral parts of our projects are consulting and implementation, support in the application of high-performance computer technology and providing tailor-made software solutions.

Research Data Representative
N. N.


German Mathematical Society (DMV)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Jürg Kramer

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) is the German Mathematical Society. Founded in 1890, the DMV promotes and supports mathematics in its full breadth, Mathemematics as a Science in the full range from theory to applications, mathematics in Schools, Universities, and Industry, as well as its presentation in Media and Society. It currently represents 4000 mathematicians and has representatives at almost every mathematics department in Germany. It publishes its magazine DMV-Mitteilungen, the web site, two research journals Jahresbericht der DMV  and Documenta Mathematica, as well as frequent memoranda and press releases.

Research Data Representative


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bernd Bischl
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (MPI DCTS)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Peter Benner

Das MPI für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg beschäftigt sich theoretisch und experimentell mit neuen verfahrens- und prozesstechnischen Ansätzen für die Chemie- und Energiesystemtechnik. Die theoretischen Untersuchungen basieren meist auf einer systemtheoretischen Betrachtung. Methoden der Numerischen Mathematik, Optimierung, Regelungs- und Systemtheorie sowie des Maschinellen Lernens werden mit besonderem Fokus auf die Verbesserung der betrachteten chemischen und biotechnologischen Prozesse untersucht.

Research Data Representative
N. N.


Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Bernd Sturmfels

The Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS) is an international leading research center for applied mathematics. The research focuses on many areas of physics (material science, micro- and nanostructures, fluid dynamics, magnetism, theoretical high energy physics), scientific computing (multigrid methods, tensor decompositions, quantum chemistry), applied algebra (algebraic statistics, optimisation, life sciences), and complex systems (information theory, nonlinear dynamics, network analysis, machine learning, game theory and economic models). It runs an extensive guest program with many distinguished international visitors and a very active PhD program in cooperation with Leipzig University.

Research Data Representative
N. N


Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics (MFO)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Stephan Klaus

The Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO, Oberwolfach Research Institute for Mathematics) is an international research centre situated in the German Black Forest. Per year, more than 2500 scientists from all over the world - leading experts in their field - meet at the Institute in order to pursue their research activities, to discuss recent developments with others, and to generate new ideas. The research programs focus on short but intense periods of personal cooperation, with ideal conditions under which to pursue research activities. The institute provides one of the worlds' best mathematical libraries, lecture halls and generous work and discussion spaces, communication facilities, technical equipment and mathematical software as well as comfortable accomodation and recreation facilities for up to 65 guests. The institute is very committed to the promotion of junior researchers and supports them by dedicated grants and programs.

Research Data Representative
Jennifer Hinneburg

+49 7834 97937


RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
MaRDI Co-Spokespersons: Prof. Dr. Claus Fieker, Prof. Dr. Max Horn

The RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau has a strong reputation in natural sciences underlined by numerous excellence awards and prestigious coordinated research consortia. It is in close proximity to renowned research institutes such as the Fraunhofer Institutes IESE and ITWM, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems MPI SWS, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, the Leibniz Institute for Composite Materials IVW and the Institute for Surface and Thin Film Analysis IFOS, all of which cooperate closely with the university.

Research Data Representative
N. N.


TU Berlin (TUB)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Michael Joswig

With almost 34,000 students, about 100 course offerings and 40 institutes, the Technische Universität Berlin is one of Germany’s largest technical universities. It is a member of the Berlin University Alliance and the Excellence Cluster Math+ (EXC 2046) with its graduate program “Berlin mathematical school”.

Research Data Representative


Technical University of Munich (TUM)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Mathias Drton

Founded in 1868, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is one of Germany's leading universities and was selected as a University of Excellence in each one of Germany's excellence initiative competitions. TUM educates over 42,000 students across 15 departments and 7 integrative research centers, which include the Munich Data Science Institute as a data-focused unit. The connection to MaRDI is made through the Department of Mathematics, which is internationally recognized for its expertise at the interface of mathematics and its applications.

Research Data Representative
Munich Data Science Institute
+49 89 28952320


Universität Leipzig (UL)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Rainer Sinn

Leipzig University was founded in 1409 and is a comprehensive university with 14 faculties, over 130 institutes and 17 central institutions. The range of subjects extends from the humanities and social sciences to the natural sciences, life sciences and medicine. Research at Leipzig University focuses on 3 strategic fields: globalisations, sustainable principles of life and health and intelligent methods and materials. There are also numerous alliances throughout the scientific region of Leipzig and and a large number of externally funded projects in several research fields.

Research Data Representative
Pia Voigt
+49 341 9735075


University of Stuttgart (USTUTT)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Dominik Göddeke

The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. It sees itself as a center of university-based, non-university, and industrial research. Furthermore, it takes a role as a guarantor of research-based teaching, focused on quality and holism. The university promotes the transfer of knowledge and technologies to society in all their profile- and competence areas as well as their emerging fields. The „Stuttgarter Weg” (Stuttgart Way) means an interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, humanities, management, economics and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level. Our vision is “Intelligent systems for a sustainable society”.

Research Data Representative
N. N


University of Münster (UMS)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Mario Ohlberger

The University of Münster (UMS) is one of the largest and most attractive universities in Germany. UMS is recognized internationally for academic and research excellence, excels in how it trains and supports early-career researchers, and attracts students from all over the world who seek research-based teaching. UMS hosts the cluster of excellence “Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure”, a perfect environment for mathematical research that covers the broad range from theoretical to applied mathematics.

Research Data Representative
Dr. Raimund Vogl
+49 251 8331551


Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
MaRDI Co-Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Christof Schütte

The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is an interdisciplinary research Institute for applied mathematics and data-intensive high-performance computing. Its research focuses on modeling, simulation and optimisation with scientific cooperation partners from academia and industry. A main area is the development of methods in the fields of Computing and Data Science, based on core competences in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, and on innovation in application areas with scientific cooperation partners from science and industry.

Research Data Representative
PD Dr. Tim Conrad
+49 30 84185250