Upcoming events
Tabea Bacher (MPI MIS Leipzig), Christiane Görgen (Universität Leipzig), Daniel Mietchen (FIZ Karlsruhe), Björn Schembera (Universität Stuttgart)
Nach einem gelungen Auftaktworkshop "MaRDI meets Information Specialists" im letzten Jahr, lädt MaRDI erneut zu einem dreitägigen Noon-to-Noon Workshop unter neuem Namen "Vom Beweis zum Bibliotheksregal: Workshop rund um Forschungsdatenmanagement für die Mathematik". Vom 17.-19. März 2025 gibt es die Möglichkeit am MPI MiS in Leipzig mit Talks, Hands-on Sessions und einem Barcamp über mathematische Forschungsdaten zu diskutieren, eigene Ideen und Services vorzustellen und neue Verbindungen zu knüpfen.
Nachdem wir bei der letzten Veranstaltung Perspektiven von Bibliothekar*innen, Fachreferent*innen, Data Stewards, FDM Spezialist*innen, Mathematiker*innen und Fachwissenschaftler*innen zusammenbringen konnten, wollen wir dies nun fortführen und insbesondere folgende Themen diskutieren:
- Was sind mathematische Forschungsdaten und welche Besonderheiten weisen sie auf?
- Wie sollten diese Besonderheiten sich in den fachspezifischen Services niederschlagen?
- Was sind Beispiele für FAIRe Forschungsdaten in der Mathematik?
- Vor welchen Schwierigkeiten stehen Infrastruktureinrichtungen und Servicestellen in Bezug auf mathematische Forschungsdaten?
- In welcher Form soll und kann MaRDI diese Bestrebungen unterstützen?
Program and further information
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig
Registration and Venue:
Organizing Committee
Christine Hennig, Sonja Schimmler NFDI4DS (Fraunhofer FOKUS); Thomas Koprucki, Burkhard Schmidt, Aurela Shehu, Karsten Tabelow MaRDI (WIAS) and the Weizenbaum Institute.
The NFDI_BB meetings aim at setting up a network of all the NFDI consortia located in the Berlin-Brandenburg area. This event will be the 3rd edition of this successful format connecting people from various backgrounds with a common mission.
There will be a mix of invited talks and demos from consortia and the community. Also, there will be plenty of room for discussions and networking.
As this is a community event we encourage you to participate actively and also propose your ideas and demos to us. Please let us know your ideas.
Further information
A complete and updated agenda will be announced in the near future.
Mailing List
If you are interested in receiving invitations for future meetings and/or related information, you may want to subscribe to the nfdi_bb mailing list at the DFN server.
Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin
Registration and Venue:
Past events
Local Organizers
Lars Kastner (TU Berlin)
This is a workshop to structure the work on interactions of LEAN and the MaRDI portal, and LEAN and OSCAR.
TU Berlin
Registration and Schedule:
Aaruni Kaushik (RPTU); Jens Saak (MPI DCTS); Oleksandr Zadorozhnyi (TUM); Christine Biedinger, Jochen Fiedler (ITWM); Madhurima Deb (FIZ Karslruhe), Andreas Matt (IMAGINARY gGMbH), Renita Danabalan (WIAS)
This year the MaRDI annual workshop, held in Kaiserslautern, will have an open session for interested external parties to learn more about the work and services MaRDI has been developing.
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Kaiserslautern
Registration and venue
With an ever growing body of scientific knowledge and an explosion of data generated by computer-based experiments, the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of research data (FAIR principles) become key factors for further scientific progress. In Scientific Computing, beyond the actual simulation data the developed numerical algorithms, their implementations, procedural data, and their metadata descriptions are central research data. Establishing the FAIR principles for this data is the aim of the task area 'Scientific Computing' within the German Mathematical Research Data Initiative MaRDI.
With this second MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, we want to bring together researchers from the Scientific Computing community and related disciplines, who are interested in the FAIRness of their research data. Apart from presentations on the current MaRDI projects and selected keynote talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions will leave room for discussions and hands-on tutorials. Further, we invite participants to contribute talks related to the following topics:
- Knowledge graphs and ontologies
- Software Interfaces
- Benchmarks
- Formal workflow descriptions
- Software distribution and archival
- Reproduction of numerical experiments
- Research data management
Participants are encouraged to present work in progress, open problems or report on personal experiences.
Program and further information
MPI Magdeburg
Program and Venue
54th workshop of the working groups Statistical Computing (GMDS/IBS-DR) and Klassifikation und Datenanalyse in den Biowissenschaften (GfKl).
The workshop "Statistical Computing" is held annually by the Working Groups "Statistical Computing" of the GMDS/IBS-DR and "Biostatistics" of the GfKl. The meeting offers a forum for the discussion of methodological developments in the field of statistical computing. Special emphasis is given on applications in the life sciences, but contributions from other research areas are also very welcome.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to research data in statistics, organized by the MaRDI Task Area for Statistics and Machine Learning.
Program and further information
Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg
Registration and Venue:
Organizers (MaRDI team at WIAS)
Thomas Koprucki, Burkhard Schmidt, Aurela Shehu, Karsten Tabelow
The NFDI_BB meetings aim at setting up a network of all the NFDI consortia located in the Berlin-Brandenburg area. At the successful kickoff meeting last October, the topic “Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs” was identified as a central task overarching the consortia, so that we will now dedicate ourselves to this topic. Particular focus will be on potential cooperation between the projects from consortia in different disciplines.
During the morning session, the topic “Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs” will be presented in connection with the activities of the NFDI in several talks. In the afternoon session, we will continue with short presentations on ontology concepts of the individual NFDI consortia. These will then be further explored in interactive discussion formats.
Further information:
A complete and updated agenda will be announced in the near future.
Mailing List
If you are interested in receiving invitations for future NFDI_BB meetings and/or related information, you may want to subscribe to the nfdi_bb mailing list at the DFN server.
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin
Registration and Venue:
Check out our interactive MaRDI stall and chat with us about (your) mathematical research-data at the GAMM Annual Meeting 2024.
Program and further information
Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Registration and Venue:
Christiane Görgen (Uni Leipzig), Jan Heiland (MPI Magdeburg), Thomas Kahle (OvGU Magdeburg), Tabea Krause (Uni Leipzig)
Every researcher in every research discipline has research data. Only, you may not call it data (yet).
To generate new math results, we build on previous results, perform own observations and thought experiments, try and fail many times until a proof is completed, find a little help from a colleague, and maybe use a computer to run a quick or complex computation. Isn’t all this just collecting data?
In this one-day course that was specifically designed for researchers in mathematics, we will learn and experience what mathematical research data is and how we can organize, document, and possibly publish it.
The workshop has been rescheduled to November 23rd and Registration is still open.
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Dr. Christiane Görgen
Tabea Bacher
Renita Danabalan, Thomas Koprucki, Burkhard Schmidt, Aurela Shehu (WIAS Berlin)
The NFDI_BB meetings aim at setting up a network of the 25 NFDI consortia located in the Berlin-Brandenburg area. The main goal of the first NFDI_BB meeting is to establish contacts between the members of the different consortia, as well as identifying common fields of interest. Particular focus will be on the mutual benefit cooperations between the projects from consortia in different disciplines. Further meetings should then follow approximately once per quarter.
Further information
Mailing List
If you are interested in receiving invitations for future meetings and/or related information, you may want to subscribe to the nfdi_bb mailing list at the DFN server.
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin
Registration and Venue:
Tabea Bacher (MPI MIS Leipzig), Tabea Krause (Universität Leipzig), Daniel Mietchen (FIZ Karlsruhe), Björn Schembera (Universität Stuttgart), Olaf Teschke (FIZ Karlsruhe)
Was sind mathematische Forschungsdaten und welche Besonderheiten weisen sie auf? Wie sollten diese Besonderheiten sich in den fachspezifischen Datenmanagementplänen, Forschungsdatenpolicies und Services niederschlagen? Vor welchen Schwierigkeiten stehen Infrastruktureinrichtungen und Servicestellen wie Bibliotheken und Rechenzentren dadurch und welche Services gibt es bereits im Bereich des mathematischen Forschungsdatenmanagement? In welcher Form soll und kann die Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI), das NFDI-Konsortium für die Mathematik, diese Bestrebungen unterstützen?
Zur Diskussion lädt MaRDI alle ein, die sich diese Fragen schon einmal gestellt haben: Bibliothekar*innen, Fachreferent*innen, Data Stewards, FDM Spezialist*innen, Mathematiker*innen und Fachwissenschaftler*innen aus angrenzenden Disziplinen sind herzlich willkommen in einem dreitägigen Noon-to-Noon Workshop mit Talks, Hands-on Sessions und einem Barcamp über mathematische Forschungsdaten zu diskutieren, eigene Ideen und Services vorzustellen und neue Verbindungen zu knüpfen.
Program and further information
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig
Registration and Venue:
Keynote Speakers
Peter Benner (MPI Magdeburg), Robert Bixby (Rice University), Jörg Fehr (University of Stuttgart), Gitta Kutyniok (LMU München), Ivana Ljubic (Universität Wien), Eliza O'Reilly (Cal Tech), Matthias Scherer (TU München), Kevin Sturm (TU Wien)
Scientific Committee
Klaus Dreßler, Karl-Heinz Küfer, Markus Rauhut, Konrad Steiner, Raimund Wegener, Jörg Wenzel (Fraunhofer ITWM Kaiserslautern); René Pinnau, Claudia Redenbach, Stefan Ruzika, Bernd Simeon (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau); Ralf Korn, Anita Schöbel (RPTU & ITWM Kaiserslautern); Michael Günther (Bergische Universität Wuppertal); Nataša Krejić (University of Novi Sad); Alessandra Micheletti (University of Milan); Mario Ohlberger (WWU Münster); Roman Slowinski (Poznan University of Technology); Gabriele Steidl (TU Berlin); Michael Ulbrich (TU München)
The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for applied mathematicians from academia, research labs and industry to exchange ideas and to showcase recent results. After the successful start of this new conference series in 2021, we continue this year with the second edition of KLAIM, putting emphasis on the Synthesis of Models and Data.
Program and further information
www.itwm.fraunhofer.de/ …
Fraunhofer Institue for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), Kaiserslautern
Registration and Venue:
www.conftool.org/ …
Towards a digital infrastructure for mathematical research
Tabea Bacher (MPI MIS Leipzig); Moritz Schubotz and Olaf Teschke (FIZ Karlsruhe); Karsten Tabelow and Thomas Koprucki (WIAS Berlin)
As mathematics becomes more and more digital and algorithms, proof assistants, and digital databases become more and more involved in mathematical research, the question arises how
to handle this mathematical research data that accumulates alongside a publication; how it can be stored, made accessible and reused. How can a certain quality be ensured? What services can be build that support scientists in their daily work? What role does the Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI), the NFDI consortium of the mathematical community, play in this process?
In this minisymposium we will highlight first solutions and services that help researchers in writing proposals, documenting their workflows, storing their data, and accessing mathematical knowledge to facilitate their work and foster connections between different researchers. The components that have been recently deployed illustrate how an interconnected infrastructure of mathematical research data takes shape.
Speakers will share their experience with existing solutions and present services that are currently developed with a focus on MaRDI.
Program and further information
TU Ilmenau
Registration and Venue:
53rd workshop of the working groups Statistical Computing (GMDS/IBS-DR) and Klassifikation und Datenanalyse in den Biowissenschaften (GfKl)
The workshop "Statistical Computing" is held annually by the Working Groups "Statistical Computing" of the GMDS/IBS-DR and "Biostatistics" of the GfKl. The meeting offers a forum for the discussion of methodological developments in the field of statistical computing. Special emphasis is given on applications in the life sciences, but contributions from other research areas are also very welcome.
The location of the "Statistical Computing" workshops is Reisensburg Castle near Ulm (Germany), which provides on-site accommodation and food for the participants. The workshop is usually started on Sunday by a keynote talk held by an expert in the field of statistical computing. In the following days the program includes contributed talks, hands-on tutorials and at least one more keynote talk. The number of participants is typically around 40, which facilitates productive and enjoyable discussions.
One of the sessions will be dedicated to research data in statistics, organized by the MaRDI Task Area for Statistics and Machine Learning.
Program and further information
Schloss Reisensburg, Günzburg
Registration and Venue:
MaRDI (Tabea Krause, Victor Zimmermann); Faculty of Mathematics, Bielefeld University (Claudia Köhler, Lukas Kühne); Bielefeld Center for Data Science (BiCDaS); Bielefeld University, Competence Center for Research Data; Bielefeld University
Supported by the Bielefeld Center for Data Science (BiCDaS) and the Competence Center for Research Data at Bielefeld University MaRDI will host a Barcamp on research-data management in mathematics on July 4th 2023 at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld.
The event will provide a forum to exchange expertise and questions in the field of mathematics-specific research-data management and existing best practices. It is aimed at all researchers dealing with mathematical research data as well as at people from large mathematical research projects such as CRCs, priority programs or clusters of excellence. In a Barcamp, the topics are decided on by the participants. This means that the focus will be very specific to the research questions and needs of the attendees. Questions could be: "What exactly does your community need?", "What works well and what doesn't?" or "How do young researchers or young projects implement 'good' RDM structures in the first place and what has proven successful?"
Program and further information
Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld
Registration and Venue:
Stephan Druskat
Making research software FAIR and citable
There is growing acknowledgment that software constitutes a valid research output. As such, it must be made available under the FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS). Software publication with rich metadata allows researchers to provide their software in such a way, thus enabling better reproducibility of research results obtained using software, more credit for research software creators through citation, and improved sustainability. Currently, FAIR software publication is not common practice due to a lack of incentives, of clearly defined processes, and of publication support through tools and infrastructures. This talk presents the context of, and practical approaches to, automated FAIR4RS software publication: improving citation metadata for research software with the Citation File Format, and automating software publication with rich metadata using the HERMES workflow for continuous integration systems.
Thomas Koprucki
Building research data services for the community
MaRDI is the Mathematical Research Data Initiative. Its goal is to contribute services and infrastructure for mathematical research data to the German National Research Data Infrastructure. Having started in 2021 now first services emerge that are supposed to easy the management of research data for mathematicians and scientists that use math. In this talk, we will introduce some of them and relate them to the overall goals of MaRDI.
Marco Reidelbach
MaRDMO - An RDMO plugin to document and query MSO Workflows using the MaRDI Knowledge Graph
The Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI) has set itself the goal of making information about mathematical objects, e.g. algorithms or models, available in a structured and easy-to-find manner in the form of a knowledge graph. The linking of all these objects with concrete research questions, input and output data, software and hardware is done in specific model-simulation-optimization workflows. To achieve reproducibility of these, often interdisciplinary, workflows, detailed documentation is required. For this purpose, a standardized workflow documentation template was developed in the MaRDI project, which can be completed by answering a simple questionnaire in RDMO. Workflows recorded in this way can be published directly on the MaRDI portal. In addition, central information of the documentations is integrated into the MaRDI Knowledge Graph. Next to the pure documentation of workflows, MaRDMO offers the possibility to retrieve existing workflows from the MaRDI Knowledge Graph in order to provide researchers with suggestions for future projects and to document workflows based on these suggestions. Thus, MaRDMO creates a community-driven knowledge loop that could help to overcome the replication crisis.
Program and further information:
Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Potsdam
Registration and Venue:
Christiane Görgen (MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences / Universität Leipzig), Martina Juhnke-Kubitzke (Universität Osnabrück), Thomas Kahle (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität), Lars Kastner (Technische Universität Berlin), Raman Sanyal (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Christian Stump (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Discrete mathematics has a long-standing tradition of generating and utilizing data to substantiate theories. Conversely, questions regarding the systematic generation of (counter-)examples drives research.
This 2-day “noon-to-noon” workshop is dedicated to the interplay of discrete data and discrete structures from a contemporary perspective. How FAIR is our data? How can modern technology help to analyze and interpret discrete data? Which connections to the sciences become visible through data? We approach these questions “hands-on” with invited lectures and panel discussions.
Program and further information
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig
Interfaces, Workflows, and Knowledge Graphs for FAIR CSE
Jan Heiland (Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Germany), Stephan Rave (Universität Münster, Germany)
As part of a major effort by the German Research Foundation to build a sustainable research data infrastructure, the MaRDI (mathematical research data initiative, www.mardi4nfdi.de) consortium has been established to represent mathematics and certain parts of computational engineering in this program. One of MaRDI's tasks is to develop concepts, tools, and infrastructures that enable the establishment of FAIR principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) for research data in scientific computing.
In this minisymposium, with knowledge graphs, software interfaces, benchmarks, and workflows as common ground, we bring together developers of the relevant MaRDI projects and researchers and practitioners from the CSE community to discuss general concepts and showcase lighthouse projects to the community.
Minisymposium Part I
Minisymposium Part II
Program Schedule
RAI Convention Centre, Amsterdam, NL
Registration and Venue:
Local Organizers
Lars Kastner (TU Berlin), Antony Della Vecchia (TU Berlin)
The Mathematical Research Data Initiative MaRDI is a newly founded consortium with the goal to develop a robust Mathematical Research Data Infrastructure. In this workshop developers of both OSCAR and MATHREPO will meet with MaRDI to discuss the challenges posed by computer experiments in publications and mathematical data. We will discuss the precise needs, existing solutions, and ideas to go forward.
TU Berlin
Registration and Schedule:
Renita Danabalan, Thomas Koprucki, Fei Zhu (WIAS Berlin); Dorothea Iglezakis, Björn Schembera (Uni Stuttgart); Moritz Schubotz (FIZ Karlsruhe); Rainer Sinn (Uni Leipzig)
The MaRDI annual workshop, a hybrid event, is a chance for all of us who are working in MaRDI and those who are interested in MaRDI-related topics to meet, exchange ideas and get caught up on the latest happenings within the initiative.
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Berlin
Registration, Venue and Livestream:
With an ever growing body of scientific knowledge and an explosion of data generated by computer-based experiments, the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of research data (FAIR principles) become key factors for further scientific progress. In Scientific Computing, beyond the actual simulation data the developed numerical algorithms, their implementations, procedural data, and their metadata descriptions are central research data. Establishing the FAIR principles for this data is the aim of the Task Area 'Scientific Computing' (TA2) within the German Mathematical Research Data Initiative MaRDI.
With this first MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, we want to bring together researchers from the Scientific Computing community and related disciplines who are interested in the FAIRness of their research data. Apart from presentations on the current MaRDI projects and selected keynote talks, birds-of-a-feather sessions will leave room for discussions and hands-on tutorials. Further, we invite participants to contribute talks related to the following topics:
- Knowledge graphs and ontologies
- Software Interfaces
- Benchmarks
- Formal workflow descriptions
- Software distribution and archival
- Reproduction of numerical experiments
- Research data management
Participants are encouraged to present work in progress, open problems or report on personal experiences.
Abstract submission will open soon.
WWU Münster, Mathematics Conference Centre
Program and Venue:
Research questions developed using digital methods in philosophy, as well as the humanities, cultural studies and history are complex. The approach to answering the questions often requires careful planning of the research process, including the selection of objects to be studied. At various levels (propositional logic, experimental design, pattern recognition, graph theory), the planning and execution tangentially involve topics that can also be located in modern mathematics. It is therefore important to find a form of communication with mathematics that allows non-mathematicians to identify the useful tools of mathematics.
The laboratory DIHMA.LAB "Digital Humanities meet Mathematics" of the ADA Lovelace Center for Digital Humanities at the FU Berlin invites together with MaRDI, the Research Data Initiative of Mathematics, to a workshop in Berlin.
The first workshop in this constellation will primarily serve to get to know each other, to network, and to identify interfaces. The starting point should be what the disciplines would call their own "research data" and how they want to "deal" with it.
We assume that the participants from the (digital) humanities and the participants from mathematics will enter this workshop with certain expectations of the other discipline. Therefore, an exchange on a scientific, practical-technical and research-cultural level is aimed at questioning expectations and creating (also technical) interfaces for an efficient collaboration.
FU Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau
Registration and Schedule:
The Future of Digital Infrastructures for Mathematical Research
Tabea Bacher (MPI MIS Leipzig); Moritz Schubotz and Olaf Teschke (FIZ Karlsruhe); Karsten Tabelow and Thomas Koprucki (WIAS Berlin)
As mathematics becomes more and more digital and algorithms, proof assistants, and digital databases become more and more involved in mathematical research, the question arises how to handle this mathematical research data that accumulates alongside a publication; how it can be stored, made accessible, and reused. How can a certain quality be ensured?
These are not easy questions, since mathematical research data is very diverse and infrastructure is just developing. But there are many great ideas and visions in the community that will be highlighted in this mini symposium. Next generation peer review, the Mathematical Knowledge Graph, repositories for mathematical research data, benchmark services, … to name a few.
Speakers will share their experience with already existing solutions and their visions and plans for how a well-developed integrated infrastructure can further facilitate mathematical research. A focus will be on the Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI), the NFDI consortium of the mathematical community, that will develop a portal for mathematical research data with many services in the next years.
FU Berlin
www.conftool.org/ …
David Nolte
The MaRDI portal for mathematical research data
Mathematical research data (MRD), arising in many scientific fields, encompass widely different types of data and can be vast and complex, e.g., numerical data sets, mathematical expressions, algorithms, etc. The NFDI MRD Initiative (MaRDI) aims to define standards for MRD, to design verifiable workflows and to provide services to the scientific community. The services will be bundled in a web portal, allowing researchers to easily find and access mathematical research data, knowledge and services. In addition, the portal will offer storage capacities and host services for workflow and algorithm execution. At the core of the portal lies a mathematical knowledge graph which organizes and interconnects data from multiple sources. The main contribution of the portal is providing a unified entry point to access scattered and unconnected data. This talk gives an overview of the current status and planned features of the portal, and its value for the mathematical community.
Johannes Stegmüller
Overview and discussion of the progress of math search technologies
The number of scientific publications containing mathematical expressions is immense and constantly growing. For example, zbMATH Open, the world's longest-running abstracting and review service for mathematical content, indexes over 160 million formulas. Mathematical formula search is a core technology for finding scientific documents where formulas are defined as input. Since the introduction of many mathematical search systems in the NTCIR Math-Task series from 2013, there have been further advances and implementations of formula search. In the first 15 minutes of our talk, we want to provide an overview of current methods of formula search and related applications. According to the FAIR principles, we will emphasize aspects of reusability and accessibility here. Then, for the next 10 minutes, we intend to reach out to the audience and have a lively discussion on the planned efforts and experiences of the community with formula search.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
Registration and Venue:
www.wias-berlin.de/ …
Max Planck Institute for Physics, München
Registration and Livestream:
Scientific Organizers
Ilka Agricola (MaRDI Co-Spokesperson, DMV), Michael Hintermüller (MaRDI Spokesperson, WIAS), Rainer Sinn (MaRDI Co-Spokesperson, Uni Leipzig)
The Mathematical Research Data Initiative (MaRDI) sets standards for certified mathematical research data and for the design of confirmable workflows, and it provides services for the scientific community. The designated goal is to realize the FAIR Data Principles across the entire field of mathematics and its applications.
FAIR means Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Re-usable.
If you want to join this start of our project, please register before October 10, 2021.
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS), Leipzig
Speakers, Program, Registration and Venue:
Am I a Digital Mathematician?
DMV-ÖMG Annual Conference
Karsten Tabelow and Thomas Koprucki, Berlin; Moritz Schubotz and Olaf Teschke, Karlsruhe
Have you seen yourself typing $$ in an Email or did you miss the possibility to search for a mathematical formula in Google? If yes, you are already on your way to become a digital mathematician. The good news is, you are not alone and many mathematicians also use computers to obtain mathematical results.
The mathematical research data initiative (MaRDI) in Germany aims to connect those people and facilitates the sharing and finding of mathematical research data and mathematical knowledge. MaRDI aims to establish best practices and low-barrier infrastructures for mathematicians to better organize and access large amounts of data and knowledge. MaRDI aims to integrate individual results, e.g., as contained in a paper, into a common knowledge base like Wikipedia. In this minisymposium, we present the state-of-the-art and lessons learned from practical experience in handling mathematical research data and information. We invite mathematicians to share and discuss their experiences, needs, concerns and perspectives on the digital transformation and the innovations necessary to drive it across all levels of the mathematical ecosystem covering students, researchers, reviewers and funding bodies.
University of Passau
Registration, Venue and Livestream:
A Research Infrastructure Tailored for Mathematics in the Digital Age
Opening Mathematical Research Data for the Next Generation